Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Vintage Vogue

There are some deliriously pretty images from vintage fashion magazines, mainly from the 1950s, in myvintagevogue's flickr photostream. I could browse it forever. So inspiring!

Whole New Meaning of 'Fly"

This guy kills the airplane announcements in a rap. Who wishes this happened on every flight?

(via inside the loop)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

On a Thursday Afternoon I Made You a Mixtape.

It is sunny, I don't have school, and tonight I'm going to hipster Karaoke. It's a good day, my friends. I thought I'd share my afternoon with you in the form of a playlist. I'm cleaning my apartment to it, but I imagine it would suit many endeavors just as fabulously.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Is it Summer Yet?

I need hot days and bright colors, stat.
(photo by Orgut Cayli)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Balloon Bowl

Skating through a skate bowl with balloons? Fun fun fun.

(via I Heart You)

Mood Boards

I am obsessed with mood boards lately! School has made me construct lots and lots of them, and I find them a great help when I get stuck on a design project. Photography and colors are obsessions of mine too, so communicating the feeling of an event or project by collecting inspirational material is super fun for me. I found a fabulous wedding blog (which is inspirational and fabulous even if you aren't tying the knot) that regularly features mood boards like the pretty one below. 100 Layer Cake is totally beautiful and worth a browse.